Terms of service

The bookandia website (the “website” or “platform”) is owned, operated and provided by bookandia (“us”, “we” or “our”).

By becoming a member and using our website, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which together will form a legal contract between us and you. If you do not agree to the contents of these documents, you must not become a member (if you are already a member, you must cancel your membership) and not use our website.

We will notify you of any significant changes to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by posting a message on your personal page. Your continued use of our website after these documents are updated will indicate your agreement to any changes.

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at support@bookandia.com.

The following terms were last updated on 22 April 2023.

Bookandia is a online platform for literary rights agents in any of their kinds (authors' agents, foreign rights agents, co-agents, rights managers...). These agents promote their works finding publishers and producers to sell works rights and other fellow agents to represent or be represented, around the world.

Our non-public website is only accessible by registered members with a valid password. To become a member, applicants need to receive an email invitation from one of our members or from us. If you would like to join bookandia, please submit an Invitation Request Form for consideration.

If you have received an invitation to join bookandia, and you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you will automatically be granted a non-exclusive licence to use our website on the terms set out here.

You can only accept an invitation to bookandia if you have reached the age of majority in your country of residence, so accepting such invitation you declare to comply with this requirement. Whenever you change your localization to a territory where the age of majority is higher than that of the registration, you accept to stop using our services in such territory until you reach the age of majority there.

You agree that all the information you provide will be accurate at all times, and that you will keep this information up to date.

You are responsible for the security and confidentiality of your account and login details, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activity that occurs under your account. If you believe that your account has been compromised (e.g. unauthorised use of your login details), please email us at support@bookandia.com.

Login details may only be used by you.

You agree that all «content» (text, images, files, and other materials) on our website is protected by intellectual property rights, and you shall not use, reproduce, modify, copy, publish, transmit, distribute, upload, link to, display, sell or otherwise exploit any of this content without written permission from the respective owner (whether that be us, one of our members or a third party).

By using our website, you agree not to do anything that is illegal or that may infringe ours, our members or any third party rights. You agree not to do anything that could interfere with or damage our website or our members, or that is contrary to the spirit of our Terms of Service, including but not limited to knowingly introduction of viruses, worms, trojan horses or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful, including uploading any content that is: defamatory, hateful or inflammatory; or promote any unlawful activity or unlawful act; or is made in breach of any legal obligation contracted with a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence; or infringes any copyright, database right or trademark of any other person.

You agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations regarding online conduct in your territory when using our website.

We reserve the right to refuse or discontinue access to our website to anyone for any reason.

We provide technical support and assistance to our members via email. We correspond in your language if possible, or in English.

Each work that you could upload to our website have two types of data: content public data (CPuD) and content professional data (CPrD). The CPuD (title, cover, excerpt, pitch, length and other minor technical data) may be visible for any web visitor (bookandia member or not)n and in our promotional materials (such as newsletters). The CPrD (long synopsys, sales arguments, work's PDF) is available to all the potential co-agents of the markets where you make available for sale that work. When you entrust the representation of a work to a co-agent, you accept that such co-agent will make available such CPrD data to his/her bookandia buyers, so they can fully valuate your work rights purchasing.

We do not claim any rights to the content you upload (CPuD or CPrD) to bookandia. Instead, you grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide licence to display your CPuD on our public website and to send your CPrD to the professionals as described in above paragraph. This licence ends when you remove your content or cancel your membership. We will not transmit your content in any other form or by any other means without your permission in writing.

You are responsible for all aspects of the content you display on our website, and any consequences of displaying it. You agree that you own the necessary rights and permissions to display your content on our website. We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content you display on our website.

Becoming bookandia co-agent, you agree not to share any work's professional data first known via bookandia, through any other means that those provided by bookandia.

We reserve the right to immediately remove content from our website for any reason. If you discover content on our website which you believe does not comply with our Terms of Service, please email us at support@bookandia.com.

As a start-up we are not charging our members until we reach a critical mass. If we plan to start charging for some services, those charges will be proportional to what a medium to small literary agency can pay and they will be announced with at least 3 months of advance, so any member can valuate the opportunity to remain or not in our platform.

Company account owners are free to cancel their bookandia membership at any time.

Bookandia reserves the right to immediately terminate the membership of any member, if it deems that the member has violated these terms of use. The member accepts that such decision will be final.

If you cancel your membership, we will keep your content safe for 30 days in case you change your mind. After 30 days, your content will be permanently deleted. If you then wished to rejoin bookandia, you would need to receive a new invitation.

Any personal information that we collect from you as you browse and use our website will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

All intellectual property rights including copyright in the content and elements of our website is owned by bookandia Ltd or the respective owners (whether that be our members or a third party). All rights are reserved.

If you believe that anything on our website infringes your intellectual property rights or the intellectual property rights of a third party, please email us at support@bookandia.com.

Our website is provided “as is” and “as available”, and you agree that you use it at your own risk. We will always try to ensure that all aspects of our service and website are kept to a high standard and meet your needs, but we do not provide any kind of warranties and cannot guarantee that our website will always be available or uninterrupted, nor that our website will be free from errors or omissions. We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any part of our service or website, with or without notice.

Unless otherwise prohibited by law, you agree that we will not be liable for any kind of loss or damages relating to your use of (or inability to access) our website, or arising from any activity that occurs under your company account.

We do not have control of any third party websites linked to from our website. You visit these websites at your own risk.

You agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend us from any claims, costs, damages, losses, expenses or other liability as a result of any activity that occurs under your account.

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any part of our service or website, with or without notice.Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy and any documents referred within them make up the entire agreement between you and us. This takes the place of any previous agreements.

If we do not take action on any breach of our Terms of Service immediately, we still have the right to take action at a later date.

If any part of our Terms of Service is found to be invalid, then that part will be removed or edited, and the rest of the terms will remain valid.

A person who is not a party to our Terms of Service shall not have any rights to enforce any term of our Terms of Service.

We may at any time assign, subcontract, delegate or deal in any other way with any or all of our rights and obligations under our Terms of Service.

You shall not assign, subcontract, transfer or deal in any other way with any of your rights and obligations under our Terms of Service.

Our Terms of Service are governed by United States of America law, and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of United States of America.